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The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations are a commitment to achieving sustainable development across three dimensions — environmental, social and economic — in an inclusive and integrated way.
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Congratulations to everyone for your effort and impact! See how 30 days of action added up to positive change for you and the planet:



Our Ecochallenge transforms the 17 SDGs into 5 categories of daily and one-time actions an individual can make.
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Earth Month Ecochallenge 2022: Sustainable Development Goals participants

  • SIEMENS GLOBAL: Reemplaza un artículo de un solo uso por uno sustentable
    Beth Lara Anaya's avatar
    En este tiempo en casa, trata de revisar qué puedes modificar desde casa, puedes comprar un garrafón ecológico y dejar de usar plásticos, o tal vez haz un kit de desechables que puedas tener en tu auto para disminuir tu consumo de plásticos
  • Health & Equity
    Jana Fryman's avatar
    I will spend at least 15 minutes learning more about the barriers to women and girl's equal participation and representation around the world.
  • Basic Needs & Security
    Kim Leonard's avatar
    I will calculate my water footprint and look for a few ways I can reduce consumption or waste.

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Participant Feed

  • November 16 at 1:57 AM
    that there are many solutions that can be implemented
  • October 4 at 3:32 AM
    After joining echochallenge organisation, I noted that we can reduce the use of plastic by spreading awareness among people as well as students.when I started compaign in my university about  reducing use of plastic, at the beginning,no one gave me a serious response but slowly and gradually I noted everyone is taking this as a serious matter,...
  • September 15 at 2:31 AM
    Eradicate pollution, Save the environment.