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Wise's Earth Warriors Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Health & Equity Learn About Equitable Food Access
    How is food equity and access linked to a sustainable future?

    Michele Sprague's avatar
    Michele Sprague 4/30/2022 8:14 PM
    It seems that equity and access are directly tied to sustainability; people who are food insecure by and large have significantly less healthy, fresh food available and instead often have highly processed, high calorie, and low nutritional value food choices that also tend to be less expensive.  These highly processed foods are the opposite of sustainability initiatives, and affordability can make all the difference.
    Health & Equity Support Indigenous & First Nations Communities
    Why is it important to honor native and indigenous peoples and cultures? What have you learned that is important to you? If you identify with or are a member of an indigenous group, how does your community practice sustainability?

    Michele Sprague's avatar
    Michele Sprague 4/30/2022 6:53 PM
    It is important to honor native cultures because for so long so many were completely disrespected and even actively destroyed.  While I have no direct native ancestry of my own, I have family that does, and I see the respect they have for the earth.  The story of Mother Turtle is one I have heard, and each iteration is mostly the same - mother earth is life.
    Health & Equity Learn About Participation and Representation
    What are some of the barriers that exist to women and girl's equitable participation or representation in your community? Do you experience these barriers?

    Michele Sprague's avatar
    Michele Sprague 4/30/2022 6:35 PM
    The pervasive gender bias is so ingrained that often it goes unperceived simply because it is second nature.  Take, for example, purchasing a car.  I am the one making the purchase, but twice now questions were continually addressed to my significant other.  It gets quite frustrating.

  • Nancy Leo's avatar
    Nancy Leo 4/30/2022 5:21 PM
    As a family we have done a 180 in checking our actions to improve our carbon imprint so glad I did this 

  • Nancy Leo's avatar
    Nancy Leo 4/30/2022 3:09 PM
    Today Izzy and I actually took a hike and she loved it so many new sniffs for her!!!!

  • REBURTA MOFFITT's avatar
    REBURTA MOFFITT 4/30/2022 2:03 PM
    Today has been absolutely beautiful. I have been taking my yard and getting things set for summer. 
    Climate & Ecosystems Ecological & Xeriscape Gardening
    What ecological or xeriscape landscaping practices do you have? How has your landscape changed from these practices?

    REBURTA MOFFITT's avatar
    REBURTA MOFFITT 4/30/2022 1:56 PM
    We’ve recently planted bushes and trees to take root on out property. The neighbors logged on both sides creating an ecological mess. Our roads have been washed out due to this. So now we’ve planted along the borders. Hoping for the roots to soak up the water runoff. 
    Basic Needs & Security Calculate Your Water Footprint
    What is one way you will reduce your water use? What is a practice you already have that helps you reduce your water use?

    REBURTA MOFFITT's avatar
    REBURTA MOFFITT 4/30/2022 1:53 PM
    I’m going to reduce water when I’m washing the dishes. I am going to stop running the water the whole time. Couple things I do that reduces water consumption are turning the water off while brushing my teeth and taking short showers. 

  • Jessica Dixon's avatar
    Jessica Dixon 4/30/2022 12:26 PM
    Sustainability is here to stay that is if we want earth to continue to be around.
    Economy & Communities Create A Readiness Plan
    What was it like to create a readiness plan? Did you find other resources you could share?

    Michele Sprague's avatar
    Michele Sprague 4/30/2022 8:51 AM
    With a young child it can be hard to talk about serious things, especially in the context of what-ifs.  I found this website helpful: